Colonoscopy outcome in North of Iran (Guilan): 2006-2009

Autor: Farahnaz, Joukar, Sohre Kaiidi, Majd, Arezoo, Fani, Nima, Nazari, Fariborz, Mansour-Ghanaei
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: International journal of clinical and experimental medicine. 5(4)
ISSN: 1940-5901
Popis: Colonoscopy is a procedure that used largely, in assessment, screening & management of lower gastrointestinal disease. Some of these diseases that assessed are colorectal cancer, polyps & inflammatory bowel disease. The goal of this study is determining of frequency of lower GI disease among patient who have elective colonoscopy. This cross-sectional study was conducted retrospective. Samples collected from the census method of colonoscopy patients in Razi hospital, from March 21th in 2006 to March 20th in 2009. Patients' data including age, sex, location and type of lesion found by colonoscopy and pathology diagnosis were collected and at the end necessary information collected into the SPSS software (version 16) for analyzing with the help of statistical tests Chi-square. Significant findings: Of 1398 patients, 683 patients (48/8 %) were male and 715 (51/2 %) were female 494 patients (35/3%) had normal results. Hemorrhoids (22/6 %) and polyps (14/8 %) were the most abundant lesions discovered by colonoscopy. The most common site of lesions among patients with abnormal colonoscopy findings, were anal canal and anus (43/8 %) and rectosigmoid (26%). The findings in both males and females, revealed no statistical differences. Conclusion: Colonoscopic detection of hemorrhoids is a common finding in patient undergone colonoscopy. The most frequent site for lesions which found in anal canal and anus. In addition to, normal findings had a high rate and it indicates that unnecessary colonoscopy have been required by physicians.
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