Enhanced Superconductivity in Monolayer

Autor: Daniel A, Rhodes, Apoorv, Jindal, Noah F Q, Yuan, Younghun, Jung, Abhinandan, Antony, Hua, Wang, Bumho, Kim, Yu-Che, Chiu, Takashi, Taniguchi, Kenji, Watanabe, Katayun, Barmak, Luis, Balicas, Cory R, Dean, Xiaofeng, Qian, Liang, Fu, Abhay N, Pasupathy, James, Hone
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Nano letters. 21(6)
ISSN: 1530-6992
Popis: Crystalline two-dimensional (2D) superconductors (SCs) with low carrier density are an exciting new class of materials in which electrostatic gating can tune superconductivity, electronic interactions play a prominent role, and electrical transport properties may directly reflect the topology of the Fermi surface. Here, we report the dramatic enhancement of superconductivity with decreasing thickness in semimetallic
Databáze: OpenAIRE