[Abdomino-anal resection of the rectum (indications, technique, immediate and long-term results)]

Autor: E G, Topuzov, Iu V, Plotnikov, G A, Shishkina, A G, Danilov, M A, Abdulaev, M Kh, Abu Shomer, D B, Ataev
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova. 162(3)
ISSN: 0042-4625
Popis: Abdomino-anal resection of the rectum with the descending is not an alternative variant of the intra-abdonimal resection with suturing devices. Each of these methods has indications and contraindications. In treatment of rectum carcinoma the observation of oncological principles is thought to be principal. The abdomino-anal resection of the rectum with the descending gave best results when the tumor was localized at the level of 6-7 cm from the anus. The application of the proposed modification might reduce the number of complications and lethality.
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