Assessment of mandibular advancement surgery with 3D CBCT models superimposition

Autor: Alexandre Trindade Simões da, Motta, Felipe, de Assis Ribeiro Carvalho, Lúcia Helena Soares, Cevidanes, Marco Antonio, de Oliveira Almeida
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Dental press journal of orthodontics. 15(1)
ISSN: 2177-6709
Popis: OBJECTIVES: To assess surgery and short-term post-surgery changes in the position of the condyles, rami and chin after mandibular advancement. METHODOLOGY: Pre-surgery (T1), 1 week post-surgery (T2), and 6 week post-surgery (T3) CBCT scans were acquired for 20 retrognathic patients with short or normal face height. 3D models were built and superimposed through a fully automated voxel-wise method using the cranial base of the pre-surgery scan as reference. Anatomic regions of interest were selected and analyzed separately. Within-subject surface distances between T1-T2, T2-T3, and T1-T3 were computed. Color-coded maps and semi-transparent display of overlaid structures allowed the evaluation of displacement directions. RESULTS: After an antero-inferior chin displacement with surgery in all cases (4 mm in 87.5%), 25% of the patients showed some kind of posterior movement (3 mm), and 69% showed an antero-superior movement after splint removal. Comparing T1-T3, an antero-inferior (87.5% of the cases) or only inferior (12.5%) displacement was observed (4 mm in 80%). Considering all directions of displacement, the surface distance differences for the condyles and rami were small: 77.5% of the condyles moved2 mm with surgery (T1-T2), and 90% moved2 mm in the short-term (T2-T3) and in the total evaluation (T1-T3), while the rami showed a3 mm change with surgery in 72.5% of the cases, and a2 mm change in 87.5% (T2-T3) and in 82% (T1-T3). CONCLUSIONS: Expected displacements with surgery were observed and post-surgery changes suggested a short-term adaptive response toward recovery of condyle and ramus displacements. The changes on the chin following splint removal suggested an acceptable adaptation, but with considerable individual variability.
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