[The value of gingival mucosa cell cooperation in patho- and morphogenesis of experimental periodontitis]

Autor: Z G, Tsagareli, T A, Razmadze, L E, Gogiashvili
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Georgian medical news. (177)
ISSN: 1512-0112
Popis: The paper considers the main lines of subepithelial mucosa cells during experimental periodontitis (EP) in albino rats. Macrophage ultrastructure was analysed, quantitative investigation of macrophages, mast cells, plasmo-and lymphocyites was conducted; progressing microcirculatory disorders and development of endothelial dysfunction was found. The authors assumed that the development of inflammatory response including abnormal epithelial and subepithelial mucosa reparation reflects the balance in intracellular composition.
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