Controlled peel testing of a model tissue for diseased aorta

Autor: Christopher, Noble, Nicole, Smulders, Roger, Lewis, Matt J, Carré, Steve E, Franklin, Sheila, MacNeil, Zeike A, Taylor
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Journal of biomechanics. 49(15)
ISSN: 1873-2380
Popis: In this study, we examine the effect of collagenase, elastase and glutaraldehyde treatments on the response of porcine aorta to controlled peel testing. Specifically, the effects on the tissue׳s resistance to dissection, as quantified by critical energy release rate, are investigated. We further explore the utility of these treatments in creating model tissues whose properties emulate those of certain diseased tissues. Such model tissues would find application in, for example, development and physical testing of new endovascular devices. Controlled peel testing of fresh and treated aortic specimens was performed with a tensile testing apparatus. The resulting reaction force profiles and critical energy release rates were compared across sample classes. It was found that collagenase digestion significantly decreases resistance to peeling, elastase digestion has almost no effect, and glutaraldehyde significantly increases resistance. The implications of these findings for understanding mechanisms of disease-associated biomechanical changes, and for the creation of model tissues that emulate these changes are explored.
Databáze: OpenAIRE