Screening the first set of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Lunella coronata granulata (Turbinidae)

Autor: Z B, Li, Q H, Li, J B, Shangguan, Y F, Ning, G, Dai
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Genetics and molecular research : GMR. 14(2)
ISSN: 1676-5680
Popis: Lunella coronata granulata, from the family Turbini-dae, is an economically important species. The first set of 10 poly-morphic microsatellite loci was screened from L. coronata granulata, and 30 individuals were used to analyze the degree of polymorphism in these loci. The level of observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.0667-0.7333 and 0.0644-0.6628, respectively. The polymorphism information content varied from 0.305 to 0.559. Eight loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) (P0.05), while two loci devi-ated significantly from the HWE after Bonferroni's correction (P0.005). The isolated microsatellite loci can be utilized in studies of population genetic analysis and they provide important genetic mark-ers for construction of genetic linkage maps and genetic breeding of L. coronata granulata resources.
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