[External respiratory function in patients with spinal cord damage at the cervical and thoracic levels]

Autor: Iu A, Churliaev, K V, Lukashev, V Ia, Martynenkov, S Ia, Chepizhko, S V, Voevodin
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Anesteziologiia i reanimatologiia. (3)
ISSN: 0201-7563
Popis: External respiratory function was examined in 79 patients with spinal cord damage at the cervical and thoracic levels before and 1-3, 5-7 days after surgery. They also underwent cliniconeurological and neurophysiological studies. Two groups were identified. These included: 1) patients with spinal cord damage at the C1-5 level and 2) those with this condition at the C6-Th8 level. According to spinal cord conduction disturbance, the groups were divided into two subgroups: a and b. External respiration was investigated after removing a respirator from the patient. Prior to surgery, subgroup 1a had respiratory disorders by the mixed type; subgroups 1b, 2a, and 2b had restrictive respiratory disorders. Postoperatively, all the patients had mixed neurogenic external respiratory disorders that were more significant in subgroups 1a and 2a. In the postoperative period, respiratory disorders became worse and were of mixed nature, which was associated with deteriorated spinal cord function at surgery. Subsequently, there was their regression by day 7. Patients with significant respiratory disorders must be managed in an intensive care unit.
Databáze: OpenAIRE