[Innovative teaching, a successful invention: the European Academy for Medicine of Ageing (EAMA). The viewpoint of teachers and students]

Autor: J P, Michel, H, Stähelin, S, Duursma, J G, Evans, C, Swine, P, Chassagne, R, Kressig, C, Zuniga, M C, Van Nes
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: La Revue de medecine interne. 20(6)
ISSN: 0248-8663
Popis: The origins of the EAMA (European Academy for Medicine of Aging) course are described in this paper by the Scientific Committee of this new post-graduate teaching activity.Innovations are constantly introduced to improve training methodology so as to enable the students to update their knowledge, help them improve their skills in data gathering and in the critical interpretation of information, and exchange geriatric experience and know-how. To reach such goals, an interactive teaching method is implemented by the professors, with world experts being called in to ensure scientific soundness and quality. Evaluations by students and teachers are regularly carried out with the aim of perfectly adjusting their training methodologies and increasing the scientific level of exchanges.If the students progress, so do the teachers....
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