Characterisation of the two malate dehydrogenases from Phytomonas sp. Purification of the glycosomal isoenzyme

Autor: A D, Uttaro, F R, Opperdoes
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Molecular and biochemical parasitology. 89(1)
ISSN: 0166-6851
Popis: Two NAD(H)-dependent malate dehydrogenase (MDH) isoenzymes were detected in Phytomonas isolated from the lactiferous tubes of Euphorbia characias. The total specific activity in crude extracts using oxaloacetate as substrate was 3.3 U mg-1 of protein. The two isoenzymes had isoelectric points of 6.0 and 7.2, respectively. The acidic isoform represented 80% of the total activity in the cell and was present in the glycosome. It was purified to homogeneity by a method involving hydrophobic interaction chromatography on Phenyl-Sepharose followed by ionic exchange on CM-Sepharose and affinity chromatography on Blue-Sepharose. The purified glycosomal MDH is a homodimeric protein with a subunit molecular mass of 37 kDa and it has a low substrate specificity, since it was able to reduce both aromatic and aliphatic alpha-ketoacids as substrate including oxaloacetate, phenyl pyruvate, alpha-keto iso-caproate and pyruvate. The apparent K(m)s for oxaloacetate and NADH were 166 and 270 microM, respectively and for L-malate and NAD+, 3000 and 246 microM, respectively. The basic isoform was present in the mitochondrion. It has a high substrate specificity and an apparent K(m) of 132 and 63 microM for oxaloacetate and NADH, respectively, and of 450 and 91 microM, respectively, with L-malate and NAD+.
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