[The modelling of the initiation of genetic damages from low doses of ionizing radiation in eukaryotic cells based on the concept of the existence of evolutionary reserve cells]

Autor: D M, Spitkovskiĭ, S V, Zaĭtsev, T A, Talyzina
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Radiatsionnaia biologiia, radioecologiia. 34(6)
ISSN: 0869-8031
Popis: The model predicting quantitatively a dose response for genetic lesions in low dose range is presented. The model is based on the concept of programmed initiation of the genetic damage in the subpopulation of specific cells of "evolutionary reserve" (CER). It is demonstrated that complex shape of dose-response curve results from superposition of processes in different subpopulations within exposed cell population, mainly in CER. The model allows us to explain the minimum observed in the dose-response curve at doses corresponding to one (on the average) event of energy deposition per CER with spontaneous aberrations. The equation for dose-response function for dicentrics describes satisfactory experimental observations. Advantage of proposed equation is that it does not deal with free parameters to fit the data. They are determined independently by using known physical and biological characteristics. The data described allow us to suggest that sensitive body for CER is a cell as a whole. Probably, programmed initiation of genetic lesions in CER requires both two hits at cell membrane and radiation effect on cell nucleus.
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