[Resection of the stomach with excision of the small curvature and selective vagotomy in primary and reconstructive surgery of gastroduodenal ulcers]

Autor: A M, Khadzhibaev, A M, Mekhmanov, D B, Bakirov, B K, Tursunov, S I, Kutlikov
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Khirurgiia. (1)
ISSN: 0023-1207
Popis: Experience in surgical treatment of 261 patients with complicated gastroduodenal ulcer is summarized. A new improved method of resection with subtotal excision of the small curvature and selective gastric vagotomy, creation of a gastric stump in the form of a proximal reservoir and distal tubular canal was used. In 144 cases this method was performed as repeated or reconstructive surgery in post-vagotomic ulcers. The follow-up was 5 years, long-term results were evaluated in 166 patients with the Visik scale. Excellent and good results were seen in 151 (91%) patients, satisfactory -- in 13 (7.8%), and a poor result (recurrence of ulcer) -- in 2 (1.2%) patients.
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