Progression of obsessive compulsive disorder-like grooming in Sapap3 knockout mice: A longitudinal [

Autor: Dorien, Glorie, Jeroen, Verhaeghe, Alan, Miranda, Istvan, Kertesz, Leonie, Wyffels, Sigrid, Stroobants, Steven, Staelens
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Neuropharmacology. 177
ISSN: 1873-7064
Popis: We aimed to evaluate [3-(6-methyl-pyridin-2-ylethynyl)-cyclohex-2-enone-0-Alongside the assessment of grooming, we performed [Cross-sectional comparisons revealed significantly increased grooming parameters in ko animals, at both time points. A significant longitudinal increase in % grooming duration (+268.25%; p0.05) reflected aggravation of this behavior in ko mice. [Sapap3 ko mice show a decline in mGluR5 availability in OCD relevant brain regions parallel to the worsening of OCD-like behavior. This demonstrates a potential role for [
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