[Features of microbiocenosis composition of large intestine of humans with various degree of local metabolic disorders]

Autor: M N, Gapon, L N, Ternovskaia, V Ia, Zarubinskiĭ, O V, Denisenko, L V, Soldatova
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (6)
ISSN: 0372-9311
Popis: Detection of features of qualitative and quantitative composition of large intestine microbiocenosis of humans with various degree of local metabolic disorders during dysbacterioses due to various causes.Microflora of large intestine and content of malonic dialdehyde (MDA) in coprofiltrates of 330 adult humans with large intestine dysbacterioses due to various causes were studied.It was established, that high MDA content in coprofiltrates matches higher quantities of opportunistic microorganisms and atypical escherichia in microflora composition of large intestine. Relation of MDA composition in coprofiltrates and factors that cause dysbacteriosis were not detected.The studies performed give evidence that changes in local metabolic activity may be a single mechanism of development of large intestine dysbacterioses that are caused by various factors.
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