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The content of RNA in secretory cells of the salivary glands was studied after administration of different doses of vitamin A. The experiments were carried out on 60 male albino mice weighing 20-25 g. The mice were given orally 1000, 3000, 5000 and 8000 IU of a 3.44% oily solution of retinol acetate for 10 days. The control animals received amygdalic oil. RNA content was determined by cytophotometry on a Reichert cytospectrophotometer (single-wave technique) after the sections were stained with gallocyanine-chromine alum. It was demonstrated that vitamin A given in doses that did not provoke that clinical symptoms of hypervitaminosis are capable of increasing RNA concentration in secretory cells of the salivary glands. Higher doses of the vitamin responsible for hypervitaminosis could diminish RNA concentration. In both cases vitamin A exerted a more powerful effect on secretory cells showing more intensive protein metabolism, i. e. on glandulocytes as compared to the effect on the cells of convoluted granular tubes. |