[Water use strategy of Eucalyptus urophylla ×E. grandis on karst hillslope based on isotope analysis.]

Autor: Ya Li, Ding, Hong Song, Chen, Yun Peng, Nie, Sheng, Wang, Hui Ling, Zhang, Ke Lin, Wang
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Ying yong sheng tai xue bao = The journal of applied ecology. 27(9)
ISSN: 1001-9332
Popis: Using stable isotope techniques, water sources and water use efficiencies of Eucalyptus urophylla ×E. grandis (exotic tree species) and Liquidambar formosana (native tree species, as a reference) were studied in a typical karst artificial forest, and the risk of drought stress of the plantation was discussed. The results showed that the isotope value of shallow soil water (0-50 cm) had obvious gradient features and was similar to the recent rain, while that of deep water was more stable and different from the shallow soil water. The soil water content in wet season (May and September) was higher than in dry season (October), and was higher in upslope than in downslope segment. The main water source of L. formosana was shallow soil water, which corresponded to high water use efficiency in different seasons. The main water sources for E. urophylla ×E. grandis on the upper slope and downslope segments were both shallow soil water in wet season, however, the sum of average water using the proportion of deep soil water increased for the downslope segment in the end of wet season. In dry season, E. urophylla ×E. grandis on the downslope segment mainly used shallow soil water, while it used deeper soil water on the upslope segment when soil water was relatively low. Meanwhile, the water use efficiency of E. urophylla ×E. grandis was lower compared with L. formosana, which revealed E. urophylla ×E. grandis did not get enough water supply under drought stress. The above results indicated that E. urophylla ×E. grandis would encounter high risk of water stress if extreme drought events happened in karst regions in the coming future.利用稳定性氢氧及碳同位素技术,与邻近乡土植物枫香比较,对喀斯特坡地尾巨桉水分来源与水分利用效率的季节性差异进行研究,分析喀斯特地区桉树人工林建设的干旱胁迫风险.结果表明: 浅层(0~50 cm)土壤水同位素值渐变特征明显且与近期雨水同位素值相近,而深层(50~100 cm)土壤水同位素值整体较稳定且明显区别于浅层.土壤含水量整体呈现雨季(5、9月)高于旱季(10月),且上坡高于下坡的基本特征.枫香不受旱、雨季土壤含水率差异的影响,始终以浅层土壤水为主要水源,水分利用效率持续较高.尾巨桉水分来源受不同季节、坡位土壤含水率差异的影响:雨季上坡以浅层土壤水为主,雨季下坡对深层土壤水利用比例明显增加;旱季上坡主要利用较深层水分,旱季下坡依赖浅层土壤水.桉树水分利用效率始终低于枫香,但旱季时显著升高.尾巨桉水分来源灵活多变,但干旱条件下水分利用效率显著升高,表明其并未能获得充足的水分供应,预示着生长速率及经济收益遭受负面影响,干旱致死的风险较高.
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