Lymphocytosis in children after the Chornobyl NPP accident

Autor: V G, Bebeshko, K M, Bruslova, A A, Chumak, N M, Tsvietkova, O E, Kuznetsova, L O, Gonchar, V M, Parkhomenko, T I, Puchkareva, V G, Boyarskiy, O Y, Pleskach, T Y, Abramova
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Problemy radiatsiinoi medytsyny ta radiobiolohii. (18)
ISSN: 2304-8336
Popis: To establish the sources of lymphocytosis in children living in ecologically unfavorable conditions after the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident aiming the high risk group formation for oncohematological diseases among the children's population.The 226 children with lymphocytosis were surveyed. The of child's life history and kind of somatic morbidity were considered. Quantitative and qualitative parameters of blood cells, biochemical indices including immunoglobulins (A, M, G), circulating immune complexes, phagocytosis indices were assayed.Children with lymphocytosis were more often born with a high bodyweight, they demonstrated manifestations of constitutional lymphatism, lymphadenopathy and more often had respiratory infections. Quantitative and qualitative changes of hemopoietic elements depended on a type of a disease. Activation of lipid peroxidation, dysimmunoglobulinemia and increased level of circulating immune complexes were revealed. Treatment and preventive actions promoted normalization of hemogram indices in 58% of children surveyed.The abnormalities in immune indices, activated lipid peroxidation in membranes of hemopoietic elements, and manifestations of granulocytopoietic disorders were established it children with lymphocytosis. Therefore these children can be attributed tot the group of increased risk on oncohematological disease.Meta – vstanovyty prychyny rozvytku limfocytozu u ditej, jaki prozhyvajut' v ekologichno nespryjatlyvyh umovah pislja avarii' na ChAES, dlja formuvannja grupy pidvyshhenogo ryzyku z onkogematologichnoi' patologii' sered dytjachogo naselennja. Materialy i metody. Obstezheno 226 ditej z limfocytozom. Vrahovuvaly anamnez zhyttja dytyny, harakter somatychnoi' patologii'. Vyvchaly kil'kisni ta jakisni parametry elementiv gemopoezu, biohimichni pokaznyky, imunoglobuliny (A, M, G), cyrkuljujuchi imunni kompleksy, pokaznyky fagocytozu. Rezul'taty. Dity z limfocytozom chastishe narodzhuvalys' z bil'shoju masoju tila, maly projavy konstytucijnogo limfatyzmu, limfadenopatiju ta chastishe hvorily na respiratorni infekcii'. Kil'kisni ta jakisni zminy v elementah gemopoezu zalezhaly vid vydu patologii'. Vyjavleno aktyvaciju procesiv perekysnogo okyslennja lipidiv, dysimunoglobulinemiju ta pidvyshhennja vysokomolekuljarnyh cyrkuljujuchyh imunnyh kompleksiv. Likuval'no-profilaktychni zahody spryjaly normalizacii' pokaznykiv gemogramy u 58% osib. Vysnovky. U ditej z limfocytozom vstanovleni zminy v pokaznykah imunitetu, procesah perekysnogo okysnennja lipidiv membran elementiv gemopoezu, projavy dyzgranulocytopoezu, shho svidchyt' pro prychetnist' cyh ditej do grupy pidvyshhenogo ryzyku z onkogematologichnoi' patologii'.
Databáze: OpenAIRE