[Tetrahepaticojejunostomy for the treatment of the high biliary strictures]

Autor: S V, Tarasenko, A A, Natal'skiĭ, O V, Zaĭtsev, O D, Peskov, V B, Aftaev, I A, Lun'kov, O V, Markov
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Khirurgiia. (10)
ISSN: 0023-1207
Popis: The article highlights various techniques of biliodigestive anastomises, used for the treatment of high-level blockages of biliary ducts. The novel author method of tetrahepaticojejunostomy, possessing less insufficiency risk and less traumaticity was suggested. 38 patients have been operated on using the hepaticoenterostomy; 5 patients received the described method of tetrahepaticojejunostomy with positive outcome.
Databáze: OpenAIRE