[Comparison and thoughts of the training system for thoracic surgeons]

Autor: Y R, Shen, L P, Cai, X, Qin, H F, Wang, P, Zhang, Y M, Zhu, C, Chen, G N, Jiang, J, Dai
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Zhonghua wai ke za zhi [Chinese journal of surgery]. 60(8)
ISSN: 0529-5815
Popis: There is no unified thoracic surgery training system in China, neither in the trainee selection or evaluation, nor in the training curriculum or the graduation requirements. A literature review was performed for available publications regarding international thoracic surgical training. A brief comparison was made regarding the thoracic surgery residency programs in China, Japan, United States and United Kingdom, including training pathway, recruitments, training content, performance assessment and academic experience. In conclusion, there are four key aspects worth noting. Firstly, an effective residency programme is invaluable to specialty training, and effort should be made to create a unified training programme that allows trainee to progress from residency to specialty training smoothly. Secondly, flexibility and personalization should be allowed in higher specialty training, so that trainee can develop their subspecialty interests. Thirdly, a unified clinical curriculum, selection and standardized income should be promoted to minimalize the variation of training outcome between provinces. Fourthly, additional training and time should be allowed for trainee who wants to pursue an academic career, and academic outcomes should be evaluated alongside with the standard clinical training.我国的胸外科专科医师规范化培训在受训者筛选和考核、培训内容设置和出站要求设定等方面尚未形成统一制度。从培训模式、基地认证、对象招收、培训内容、考核标准及科研能力培训六个方面,对比我国与日本、美国、英国的胸外科专科培训制度后发现,各国培训体制存在差异,建立有效的专科培训制度需立足我国的基本国情。应建立住院医师规范化培训和专科医师规范化培训相衔接的培养模式,逐步打造一体化培训体系,并针对受训者的需求,制定不同的培训模式,提供多样化选择。通过设置全国统一的课程大纲,严格筛选培训基地,缩小各省市医院间培养的专科医师在业务能力和学术能力上的差异,保障培训的同质化。同时需注重科研教学,提升受训者的创新能力和科研素养,推动科研型临床人才的建设。建立合理且高效的培训模式,有望推动我国专科医学教育的进步。.
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