Mansonella ozzardi: the course of patency in experimentally-infected patas monkeys

Autor: T C, Orihel, M L, Eberhard, R C, Lowrie
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Tropical medicine and parasitology : official organ of Deutsche Tropenmedizinische Gesellschaft and of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). 44(1)
ISSN: 0177-2392
Popis: Twenty-five of 30 patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) inoculated with varying numbers (35 to 135) of third-stage larvae of Mansonella ozzardi developed patent infections in an average of 163 days. There was no correlation between the size of the inoculum and the length of the prepatent period. Ten of the monkeys were monitored thereafter by regular blood examination for extended periods of time in order to characterize the onset, course and duration of patency. Typically, with the onset of patency, microfilaremias increased steadily, peaking at about 20 weeks and then decreased slowly stabilizing at low levels for up to 48 weeks. Thereafter microfilariae disappeared from the blood and occasionally reappeared in scanty numbers. Laparotomies and followup studies indicated that the spleen was involved in the suppression of peripheral microfilaremia as had been observed earlier in patas monkeys infected with Loa loa. In ten monkeys splenectomized after the initial "wave" of microfilaremia, it was observed that (a) 30% of the animals remained amicrofilaremic, (b) another 30% reestablished patent infections but microfilaremias were lower than presplenectomy levels, and (c) in the remaining 40%, levels of microfilaremia equaled or exceeded pre-splenectomy levels. Patent infections persisted for up to 212 weeks. One monkey splenectomized prior to inoculation with 87 larvae developed a patent infection with microfilaremia which persisted for 156 weeks. Three monkeys with low and high levels of microfilaremia bled at four hour intervals over a 28 hour period showed no evidence of periodicity in the microfilaria.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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