Very-low-calorie diet in the treatment of massive obesity: preliminary experience

Autor: K H, Stokholm, G F, Jensen, B B, Hansen, F, Quaade
Rok vydání: 1980
Zdroj: International journal of obesity. 4(3)
Popis: Twenty-two consecutive obese patients were given very-low-calorie diet (VLCD) in the form of a casein and lactose preparation dissolved in orange juice containing 43.0 g protein, 30.4 g carbohydrate and 1.1 g lipid in a total of 317 kcal (1.3 MJ) daily. VLCD was given intermittently in eight-week periods alternating with three-week periods of conventional diet (900-1200 kcal, 3.8-5.0 MJ) to ensure recuperation of lean body mass and to establish a therapy which may facilitate indefinite patient compliance. In case of persisting hunger, diethyl-propion was given in small doses. The median observation time was nine weeks (range 1-37 weeks). The median weight loss was 15.5 kg (range 3.8-39.2 kg), and the median overweight decreased from 85.5 per cent (range 43-135 per cent) to 61.0 per cent (range 19-100 per cent). Blood glucose and cholesterol fell significantly (P0.01), and no major side-effects were observed.
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