[Ultrasonic examination of gastric stump and gastroenteroanastomosis in complex diagnosis of postresection dumping syndrome]

Autor: V P, Sazhin, V P, Zhabolenko, A V, Sazhin, I A, Naumov
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Khirurgiia. (6)
ISSN: 0023-1207
Popis: Long-term results of laparoscopic resections of the stomach were studied, a comparative analysis with similar open surgeries was carried out. The comparative analysis was based on the results of ultrasonic examination (USE) of the gastric stump (GS) and gastroenteroanastomosis (GEA). Basing on ultrasonic parameters of GS, digital parameters of GEA in mild, moderate and severe degree of dumping-syndrome were determined. Ultrasonic examinations of the gastric stump permitted to study its function in dumping-syndrome of different degree, to reveal sizes of GEA in relaxation and contraction stage, and based on these data to determine its gradients of contractility. Ultrasonic method in long-term period after resection of the stomach has advantages compared with gastroscopic and X-ray methods.
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