[A fatal case of trichinelliasis with intensive invasion and acute massive hemorrhage from a stomach ulcer]

Autor: A M, Bronshteĭn, R A, Firsova, T S, Murav'eva, N L, Veretennikova, E G, Kostylev
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Meditsinskaia parazitologiia i parazitarnye bolezni. (4)
ISSN: 0025-8326
Popis: The paper deals with a fatal case of trichinosis in a 61-year-old male due to acute massive gastric hemorrhage from the old silent gastric ulcer developed at week 8 after the onset of infection (or at week 3 after the appearance of the first clinical signs). At autopsy, the method of ingestion of cross-striated muscular samples revealed high Trichinella spiralis infection rates: from 135 larvae per g of muscles of the tongue to 512 larvae in the diaphragm. Infection had occurred due to long-term (1-month) ingestion of the pork obtained from a subsidiary farm of Moscow Province. A role of alcohol used by the patient for the infection period (about 30 days) and some other factors which could contribute to intensive infection and death are discussed.
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