Isochromosome Xq in Klinefelter syndrome: report of 7 new cases

Autor: S, Arps, T, Koske-Westphal, P, Meinecke, D, Meschede, E, Nieschlag, W, Harprecht, E, Steuber, E, Back, G, Wolff, S, Kerber, K R, Held
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: American journal of medical genetics. 64(4)
ISSN: 0148-7299
Popis: In this collaborative study we report on 2 prenatally and 5 postnatally diagnosed cases with a 47,X,i(Xq),Y chromosomal constitution. Excepting tall stature, the 5 adult patients showed all typical manifestations of Klinefelter syndrome. Taken together with previously reported cases, these data suggest that Klinefelter syndrome with isochromosome Xq has a favorable prognosis with normal mental development, and with normal-to-short stature. The prevalence of this Klinefelter variant is calculated to be between 0.3-0.9% in males with X chromosome polysomies.
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