[Characteristics of the reactions of popliteal and medial iliac lymph nodes after plastic surgery of the sciatic nerve defect using cryopreserved allogeneic transplant]

Autor: Iu B, Chaĭkovskiĭ
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Arkhiv anatomii, gistologii i embriologii. 100(1)
ISSN: 0004-1947
Popis: Histologically and morphometrically structural transformations in the popliteal and iliac medial lymph nodes have been studied in dogs at plasty of their ischiatic nerve by means of a cryopreserved allotransplant. In one week after the operation in the popliteal and in one month in the iliac nodes appear and then develop further certain reactions in B-dependent areas. In 4-12 weeks after the nerve transplantation certain statistically significant changes are noted in the thymus-dependent zone of the iliac medial lymph nodes. During first two weeks from the beginning of the experiment increase in the relative area of the popliteal lymph nodes sinuses is observed. The transformations described are interpreted as a response of the immune system to the nerve cut, and as a result of it--denervation of the crural tissues, disturbance of their nervous trophic, as well as--to transplantation of the allogeneic nervous trunk. The data obtained are in accordance with results of immunological investigations.
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