[Plasmapheresis in the treatment of patients with vascular diseases]

Autor: G N, Zakharova, M L, Kliachkin, V B, Marchenko, O A, Balatskiĭ, V G, Katsiia
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova. 142(4)
ISSN: 0042-4625
Popis: The mechanisms of positive effects of plasmapheresis were studied in 52 patients with angiological pathology who were given 135 sessions of plasmapheresis. Most of the patients had obliterating atherosclerosis (28) and endarteritis (16). The clinical effect obtained in 80.7% of the patients with a severe regional ischemia was associated with the improved hemorheology (lower blood viscosity, lower fibrinogen level, higher deformability of erythrocytes), with hypocoagulation and normalization of the correlation of high and low density lipoproteins in atherosclerotic patients. These effects are of relatively long durations, the repeated courses of plasmapheresis within 6-8 months being, as a rule, successful.
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