Elliptical-P cells in the avian perilymphatic interface of the Tegmentum vasculosum

Autor: C D, Fermin, D H, Lee
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Scanning microscopy. 9(4)
ISSN: 0891-7035
Popis: Elliptical cells (E-P) are present at the perilymphatic interface lumen (PIL) of the lagena. The E-P cells often separate from the tegmentum vasculosum (TV) and have touching processes that form a monolayer between the K+ rich perilymph and the Na+ rich endolymph, similar to the mammalian Reissner's membrane. We examined the TV of chicks (Gallus domesticus) and quantitated the expression of anti-S100 alphaalphabetabeta and S100 beta. There was a 30% increase of S100 beta saturation in the light cells facing the PIL when compared to other TV light cells. We show that: (1) the dimer anti- S100 alphaalphabetabeta and the monomer anti-S100 beta are expressed preferentially in the light cells and the E-P cells of TV; (2) expression of S100 beta is higher in light cells facing the PIL than in adjacent cells; (3) the expression of the dimer S100 alphaalphabetabeta and monomer S100 beta overlaps in most inner ear cell types, including the cells of the TV, most S100 alphaalphabetabeta positive cells express S 100 beta, but S100 beta positive cells do not always express S100 alphaalphabetabeta; and (4) the S100 beta expression in light cells, the abundant Na+-K+ ATPase on dark cells of the TV, and previously demonstrated co-localization of S100 beta/GABA in sensory cells suggest that S100 beta could have, in the inner ear, a dual neurotrophic-ionic modulating function.
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