[Influence of the vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism and 25-hydroxyvitamin D on arterial pressure in health individuals]

Autor: S, Muray, E, Parisi, A, Cardús, L, Craver, M P, Marco, E, Fernández
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Nefrologia : publicacion oficial de la Sociedad Espanola Nefrologia. 23
ISSN: 0211-6995
Popis: The role of vitamin D in the regulation of blood pressure is unclear. There are no studies that relate Bsm I polymorphism with blood pressure.To analyze if Bsm I polymorphism and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD3) influence blood pressure in healthy individuals with normal blood pressure.Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure, Body Mass Index (BMI), plasma creatinine, serum calcium, serum phosphorus, serum iPTH, serum 25OHD3 and Bsm I genotype were determined in 590 healthy individuals (260 men and 330 women). Data were analysed using a multiple linear regression model. SBP and DBP were defined as dependent variables and the rest of variables as independent.Gender was strongly associated with both SBP (beta: -12.01, p: 0.000) and DBP (beta: -4.78, p: 0.000). Therefore, a separate analysis was performed according to gender. In males, SBP was associated with BMI (beta: 0.83, p: 0.001), 25OHD3, (beta: 0.36, p: 0.000) and genotype (beta: -3.90, p: 0.002); and DBP with 25OHD 3 (beta: 0.16, p: 0.018) and age (beta: 0.28, p: 0.000). Differences of blood pressure among the three genotypes were explored by analysis of variance. SBP was higher in men with bb genotype than in the other genotypes (p: 0.007). In females, 25OHD3 and genotype were not associated with blood pressure.Healthy men with higher levels of vitamin D have higher levels of SBP and DBP. Moreover, men with bb genotype have the highest levels of SBP. Blood pressure levels in women are not influenced by vitamin D nor by Bsml genotype. Our data suggest a possible pathophysiological interaction between vitamin D and sex hormones in blood pressure control.
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