Granulocyte transfusion – when and how should it be used?

Autor: Gösta, Berlin, Honar, Cherif, Folke, Knutson, Jonas, Mattsson, Ulla, Axdorph Nygell
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Lakartidningen. 115
ISSN: 1652-7518
Popis: There are no randomized controlled trials proving the clinical benefit of granulocyte transfusions. However, clinical experience and a number of case studies suggest that granulocyte transfusions may be life-saving in certain situations. In our opinion granulocyte transfusions should be considered for patients with profound neutropenia and severe, life-threatening infection not responding to antibiotic or antifungal therapy. Since the clinical effect seems to be dose-dependent, the granulocyte concentrate should contain a large number of cells, which usually means that the donor should be mobilized with steroids and G-CSF. Regular blood donors as well as relatives to the patient can be used for granulocyte donations with apheresis technique after information of the process. Granulocyte transfusion should be given daily as long as the indication remains. The clinical efficacy of the transfusions should be evaluated daily.
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