[Iron supplementation in a child with severe burns]

Autor: J A, Belmonte Torras, J, Tusell Puigbert, A, Piera Carreras, P, Soler Palacín, C, Aulesa Martínez, J, Iglesias Berengué
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Anales espanoles de pediatria. 56(6)
ISSN: 0302-4342
Popis: Non-intentional burns are still a frequent cause of morbidity in children despite the implementation of preventive campaigns. Children with severe burns (more than 10 % of the body surface) may require iron supplementation, especially in the post-stress or recovery phase. We report the case of a 15-month-old boy, who suffered polytrauma and burns to 20 % of the body surface. A dermal graft was performed eight days after his admission to the pediatric burns unit, which required transfusion of packed red blood cells. On day 15 hemoglobin value was 9.3 g/dL, the reticulocyte hemoglobin content was reduced to 26.2 pg (normal value: 27.2-30.3 pg) and the reticulocyte mean corpuscular value was increased to 124 fl (normal value: 101-108 fl). These findings were interpreted as a functional iron insufficiency, despite the increased ferritin value (219 ng/mL). We highlight the satisfactory outcome of the different hematologic values, with the development of reticulocyte crisis and normalization of hematological parameters after administration of 0.5 mg/kg/day of ferrous sulfate, plus iron corresponding to the follow-up milk formula and a regular diet for the child's age.
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