[Endoscopic procedures in the treatment of residual and recurrent choledocholithiasis]

Autor: A M, Khadzhibaev, F B, Alidzhanov, N U, Aripova, M A, Khashimov, I Kh, Boĭnazarov
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Khirurgiia. (12)
ISSN: 0023-1207
Popis: Results of endoscopic treatment of 124 patients with residual and recurrent choledocholithiasis after cholecystectomy were analyzed. It is demonstrated that endoscopic papillosphincterotomy with lithoextraction is the method of choice. Lithoextraction after mechanical lithotripsy is indicated in different sizes of the concrement and terminal part of the common bile duct. Conventional nasobiliary drainage (NBD) in incomplete evacuation of the concrements not always predicts repeated impaction of the stone. Original spiral-type catheter procedure for NBD permits one to prevent repeated impaction of the concrement and to perform operation after attenuation of acute purulent cholangitis.
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