[The efficacy of treating peptic ulcer patients with trichopol and dalargin]

Autor: N V, Lukash, N P, Buglak, O N, Kriuchkova, S N, Lukash, S I, Maloshenko
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Likars'ka sprava. (2)
ISSN: 1019-5297
Popis: A study of 90 patients with endoscopically proved duodenal ulcer revealed that dalargin and trichopol+dalargin treatment resulted in early scarring of the ulcer and control of gastroesophageal and duodenogastric reflux in the majority of patients. Gastroduodenitis symptoms were not eliminated in a half of all patients. It was shown that persistent manifestations of gastroduodenitis remained in patients with a pronounced pyloric helicobacteriosis and a high titer of antibodies to cells of the gastric mucosa.
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