[A case report: an ileus caused by cecal volvulus and intersigmoidal hernia due to mesenterium commune]

Autor: Kyoko, Ikeuchi, Ayao, Torii, Akira, Kurita, Yoko, Yamashita, Kensaku, Aihara, Susumu, Matsubara, Akihiko, Hamada, Yoko, Endou, Yasuhiro, Takeda, Masashi, Yamakawa, Atsuhiro, Nisikawa, Masashi, Noguchi
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Nihon Shokakibyo Gakkai zasshi = The Japanese journal of gastro-enterology. 103(4)
ISSN: 0446-6586
Popis: A 33-year old woman was referred to our hospital because of gradually progressing abdominal pain and abdominal distension. A computed tomography demonstrated that distended cecum was located in the left retroperitoneal space. Barium enema revealed that the descending colon was positioned at the right side of the abdomen and transverse colon became severely tapered. Ceacal volvulus in addition to the internal herniation into the left retroperitoneal space was clinically diagnosed. The patient received an emergent operation. Operative findings showed that mesenterium commune, no fixation of the colon to the retroperitonium, and the internal herniation of terminal ileum to transverse colon into the sigmoid mesentery. Moreover, the cecal volvulus was diagnosed at the left retroperitoneal space. The mesenterium commune with internal herniation and cecal volvulus is extremely rare but one of important causes of acute abdomen.
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