Ordered water structure around a B-DNA dodecamer. A quantitative study

Autor: M L, Kopka, A V, Fratini, H R, Drew, R E, Dickerson
Rok vydání: 1983
Zdroj: Journal of molecular biology. 163(1)
ISSN: 0022-2836
Popis: The crystal structure of the double-helical B-DNA dodecamer of sequence C-G-C-G-A-A-T-T-C-G-C-G has been solved and refined independently in three forms: (1) the parent sequence at room temperature; (2) the same sequence at 16 K; and (3) the 9-bromo variant C-G-C-G-A-A-T-TBrC-G-C-G at 7 degrees C in 60% (v/v) 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol. The latter two structures show extensive hydration along the phosphate backbone, a feature that was invisible in the native structure because of high temperature factors (indicating thermal or static disorder) of the backbone atoms. Sixty-five solvent peaks are associated with the phosphate backbone, or an average of three per phosphate group. Nineteen other molecules form a first shell of hydration to base edge N and O atoms within the major groove, and 36 more are found in upper hydration layers. The latter tend to occur in strings or clusters spanning the major groove from one phosphate group to another. A single spermine molecule also spans the major groove. In the minor groove, the zig-zag spine of hydration that we believe to be principally responsible for stabilizing the B form of DNA is found in all three structures. Upper level hydration in the minor groove is relatively sparse, and consists mainly of strings of water molecules extending across the groove, with few contacts to the spine below. Sugar O-1' atoms are closely associated with water molecules, but these are chiefly molecules in the spine, so the association may reflect the geometry of the minor groove rather than any intrinsic attraction of O-1' atoms for hydration. The phosphate O-3' and O-5' atoms within the backbone chain are least hydrated of all, although no physical or steric impediment seems to exist that would deny access to these oxygen atoms by water molecules.
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