[A shift in types of nutrition and digestion in ontogeny]

Autor: I A, Arshavskiĭ, M G, Nemets
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Uspekhi fiziologicheskikh nauk. 27(1)
ISSN: 0301-1798
Popis: The article generalises research data from experiments with animals and observations on man. These allow to identify specific features of digestion, as well as of alimentation starting from a zygote stage, which are organised and developed by the organism itself. The following stages were outlined: hystotrophic stage--that of an embryo; hematrophic, which is combined in the foetal stage with the omntrophic and lactrophic after birth. The article discusses the extreme importance of the latter, both in the trophogenic aspect, as well as for determining the future post-natal formation of the organism advanced in the biological, as well as in the socio-economic aspects.
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