Experimental study of a biograft as aorto-aortic 'bypass'

Autor: J D, de Araújo, D M, Braile, M A, Rossi, S, Suzigan, D R, Souza, M I, Martins
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: International angiology : a journal of the International Union of Angiology. 10(3)
ISSN: 0392-9590
Popis: The authors present experimental results with a bovine "mammary" artery graft with a 6 months follow-up and histological study up to 3 months (Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy). They report a 100% patency in the 16 dogs operated on (there were 2 controls). Grafts used were 6 cm long, had a 4 mm diameter and were implanted as aorto-aortic bypass. Dinamic evolution of the pseudo-intima is described as thickening up to the 14th day, when it is "cleaned". These facts would be related with variation in the peripheral resistance and their objectives would be narrowing or widening the graft in order to accelerate or slow the flow speed, respectively. Factors related to Poiseuille's law (diameter, length, viscosity) are mentioned as important elements for the patency rate of long lengthened, thin-diametered grafts. Also, the electrical charge of the intima and the endothelial seeding are discussed.
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