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Autor: María, Buendía-Abad, Mariano, Higes, Raquel, Martín-Hernández, Laura, Barrios, Aranzazu, Meana, Alberto, Fernández Fernández, Antonio, Osuna, Luis Miguel, De Pablos
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife
ISSN: 2213-2244
Popis: The impact of trypanosomatid parasites on honeybee health may represent a major threat to bee colonies worldwide. However, few axenic isolates have been generated to date and with no details on cell culture passages, a parameter that could influence parasite virulence. To address this question, a trypanosomatid isolation protocol was developed and a new strain was obtained, named L. passim C1. Using experimental infection of worker honeybees, we compared the virulence and mortality rates of the ATCC PRA-403 reference strain and C1 strain, the latter showing higher virulence from 10 days post-infection onward. This study highlights the impact of cell culture passages on the pathogenicity of L. passim in honeybees, providing new evidence of its negative effects on honeybee health.
Graphical abstract Image 1
Highlights • L. passim have a role on the honeybee health. • A standardized method for trypanosomatid isolation from bees have been developed and detailed. • The higher the in vitro cell culture passage the lower the virulence of L. passim.
Databáze: OpenAIRE