[Detection of single base polymorphism in p53 gene by ligase detection reaction and rolling circle amplification on microarrays]

Autor: K N, Kashkin, B N, Strizhkov, D A, Griadunov, S A, Surzhikov, I V, Grechishnikova, E Ia, Kreĭndlin, V V, Chupeeva, K B, Evseev, A Iu, Turygin, A D, Mirzabekov
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Molekuliarnaia biologiia. 39(1)
ISSN: 0026-8984
Popis: We combined three modern technologies of single base polymorphism detection in human genome: ligase detection reaction, rolling circle amplification and IMAGE hydro-gel microarrays. Polymorphism in target DNA was tested by selective ligation on microarray. Product of the ligase reaction was determined in microarray gel pads by rolling circle amplification. Two different methods were compared. In first, selective ligation of short oligonucleotides immobilized on microarray was used with subsequent amplification on preformed circle probe ("common circle"). The circle probe was designed especially for human genome research. In second variant, allele-specific padlock probes that may be circularized by selective ligation were immobilized on microarray. Polymorphism of codon 72 in human p53 gene was used as a biological model. It was shown that LDR/RCA on microarray is a quantitative reaction and gives high discrimination of alleles. Principles and perspectives of selective ligation and rolling circle amplification are being discussed.
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