[Serology, sensitivity to antibiotics and lysotypes of several strains of Salmonella isolated in children hospitalized at the Hospital Center of Libreville]

Autor: C, Mefane, D, Omwanga
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 1986
Zdroj: Bulletin de la Societe de pathologie exotique et de ses filiales. 79(2)
Popis: We have isolated 122 strains of Salmonellae from stools and blood cultures among children patients from Centre Hospitalier de Libreville. Isolation was carried out from July 1982 to June 1983. During that period of time, Salmonella paratyphi C was the most commonly found. We report here the isolation of a new serotype: Salmonella Libreville and the emergence of Salmonella Wien which was unknown in Libreville area. Lysotyping of S. typhi shows that three strains of A lysotype, subtype Dakar, were not indigenous. Infection by Salmonellae is still widespread among Gabonese children. Scarcity of those germs in stool could be explained by intensive antibiotherapy; on the other hand more than 50% of germs isolated from blood culture in children at Libreville area are Salmonellae. These works display the pattern of different members of the Salmonellae family found among patients of the pediatric department of the Centre Hospitalier de Libreville.
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