[The influence of space geophysical and meteorological factors on the parameters of the body's nonspecific resistance]

Autor: A O, Karelin, V V, Gederim, V V, Sokolovskiĭ, S N, Shapovalov
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Gigiena i sanitariia. (1)
ISSN: 0016-9900
Popis: The paper provides data on the complex influence of space geophysical factors and meteoreological conditions on the body's nonspecific resistance (BNSR) in Saint Petersburg dwellers. Associations and relationships have been established between the environmental parameters. The leading factors negatively affecting BNSR in the residents of the megapolis have been identified. The changes in the hematological and biochemical parameters characterizing the BNSR have been ascertained to be variable in response to heliogeophysical activity fluctuations and gravitation field changes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE