Experimental models for the modification of human drug self-administration: Methodological developments in the study of ethanol self-administration by alcoholics

Autor: G, Bigelow, R, Griffiths, I, Liebson
Rok vydání: 1975
Zdroj: Federation proceedings. 34(9)
ISSN: 0014-9446
Popis: Experimental studies of human ethanol self-administration are reviewed, and a description is provided of the procedural evolution that has oc-urred in the experimental study of the determinants of human ethanol self-administration. Human experimental models of alcoholism have been established within residential laboratories which permit chronic availability of ethanol to volunteer alcoholic subjects. Experimentation within such environments has progressed from observational and descriptive studies of experimental intoxication to studies that manipulate experimental variables so as to modify (reduce) ethanol self-administration by alcoholic subjects. To observe systematic effects of manipulated variables it has been necessary to develop sensitive baselines of ethanol self-administration. When ethanol intake has been relatively unrestricted, wide spontaneous fluctuations have made difficult the evaulation of manipulated variables. When a variety of restrictions on ethanol availability have been imposed, sensitive self-administration baselines have been established which have permitted the direct experimental assessment of some of the determinants of ethanol self-administration. Six methodological principles are suggested for enhancing the information yield of future research on the determinants of ethanol self-administration. The same general methodology is suggested for research with other varieties of drug self-administration.
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