[Manifestations of pulmonary tuberculosis concurrent with diabetes mellitus and various haptoglobin phenotypes]

Autor: A M, Ubaĭdullaev, K S, Kazakov, N N, Parpieva
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Problemy tuberkuleza. (2)
ISSN: 0032-9533
Popis: For diagnosis, detection of the specific manifestations of pulmonary tuberculosis (PT) concurrent with diabetes mellitus, 48 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes (IDD) and 132 with noninsulin-dependent diabetes (NIDD), who carry various haptoglobin (Hp) phenotypes were studied. It has been found that PT develops in IDD mainly in 5-10 years and in NIDD in 1-4 years. The gravest course of both types of diabetes is frequently encountered in those having Hp 2-2 phenotypes and slightly less frequently in those with Hp 1-1. The patients having these phenotypes have abnormalities in the levels of glycaric hemoglobin, 2.3-diphosphoglycerol phosphate, in the activity of the enzymes lactate dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and acid-alkali imbalance. It is expedient to determine Hp phenotypes to evaluate the severity and prognosis and to choose a treatment policy for comorbidity and the proposed biochemical indices should be more widely used to evaluate carbohydrate metabolic disturbances in PT concurrent with diabetes mellitus.
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