[Jacopo's chest (bad history of a pleural empyema). A case report]

Autor: A, Celandroni, L, Cinquanta, S, Caprai
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: La Pediatria medica e chirurgica : Medical and surgical pediatrics. 24(4)
ISSN: 0391-5387
Popis: We present a case of pleural empyema, occurred in a healty 7 years boy. He was admitted to our hospital because of a lobare pneumonitis. The patient was administered with a 2 degrees generation Cefalosporine given intramuscularly and with Corticosteroid (1 mg/kg/die). After an initial improvement of his clinical conditions, he got worse so that he underwent a TC scan which showed the presence of a left pleural empyema requiring the insertion of an intercostal tube drainage followed by an intervention of decortication. The boy had some evidence of a staphylococcal etiology such as the evolution in empyema itself, the augmentation of antistafilolisinic title found during the illness, and the typical finding of blebs on chest radiograph. As cultures from both blood and drainage liquid samples remained sterile, we were unable to demonstrate a clear bacterial etiology of the empyema. It remains doubtful if corticosteroid administration could contribute to the severity of the pneumonia evolution.
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