[Epidemiology studies regarding anthrax epidemic in Romania]

Autor: M, Neguţ, Dana Magdalena, Caplan
Jazyk: Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Bacteriologia, virusologia, parazitologia, epidemiologia (Bucharest, Romania : 1990). 47(3-4)
ISSN: 1220-3696
Popis: Antrax infection, a major bacterial zoonosis caused by B. anthracis, affects animals, particulary the herbivores. The infection can be accidentally transmitted to man, in whom it has two forms. Cutaneous anthrax, more frequently encountered (95%), the transmission being favoured by the contact with contaminated animal or, after the sacrifice of the animal, with various contaminated products (skin, wool, hair, especially of goat, as well as bones, meat, blood); the evolution is favourable following treatment. Internal (visceral)--pulmonary, gastro-intestinal, meningo-encephalytic--anthrax causes quasi-total mortality, despite treatment. Transmission is conditioned by the presence of sporulated forms. The bacteriological diagnosis is based on the detection of the germ on smears or cultures for various pathological specimens (skin lesions, blood, tissues, exudates, c.s.f., sputum, etc), rapid results being obtained by immunofluorescence. The serological diagnosis is indicated by the elevated titer of antibodies, detectable by immunological methods (ELISA). 81 pathological specimens and 16 soil samples suspected of B. anthracis were received by our laboratory in 2000 and were investigated for their morpho-cultural characteristics, under the microscope and using pathogenecity tests. Of the total number of samples investigated, B. anthracis was confirmed in 12 (12.37%) cases.
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