The effects of work-reinforcer schedules on performance and preference in students with autism

Autor: Magdalena, Bukala, Meng Yao, Hu, Ronald, Lee, John C, Ward-Horner, Daniel M, Fienup
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of applied behavior analysis. 48(1)
ISSN: 1938-3703
Popis: This study investigated performance under and preference for continuous and discontinuous work-reinforcer schedules in 3 students who had been diagnosed with autism. Under continuous schedules, participants completed all work and consumed all reinforcers in contiguous units. Under discontinuous schedules, work and reinforcer access were broken up into smaller units. During the alternating-schedules phase, session duration was shorter in the continuous schedule for 2 participants. During free choice, all 3 participants preferred the continuous work schedule.
Databáze: OpenAIRE