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During research performed in humans of both sexes, aged 17-30, suffering from disorders of gall-bladder kinetics, we found a constant association between this disorder and a cervical syndrome with occipital cephalea, spasmophilia, pre-molar and molar dental decay, even to edentation. We believe the mechanism inducing those disorders originates in the malabsorption of vitamin D2, caused by the absence of biliary salts in the intestine. Our findings could be of interest for the therapeutic management of such cases. In conclusion, we describe a new clinical framework establishing a pathological pattern that is functionally and morphologically coherent. The pattern includes the motor-biliary condition that induces disorders in the mechanism of calcium metabolism control. It also includes major neuromuscle hyperexcitability in the pre-vertebral region associated with the biped posture. Functional and morphological lesions in the cervical region of the spine, with Arnold-type manifestations and spasmophilia prevail in the final clinical picture. This picture is very early associated with multiple dental caries that may progress to edentation. The clinical picture appears as a coherent pattern, from a clinical, morpho-functional and pathogenic perspective. |