Investigation of the role of the phenolic hydroxyl in cannabinoid activity

Autor: P H, Reggio, H H, Seltzman, D R, Compton, W R, Prescott, B R, Martin
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Molecular pharmacology. 38(6)
ISSN: 0026-895X
Popis: Structure-activity relationship studies have suggested that the phenolic hydroxyl group is essential for the pharmacological activity of the cannabinoids. However, it remains to be established whether it is the hydrogen of the phenolic hydroxyl that is important (possibly because this hydrogen can participate in a hydrogen bonding interaction) or whether it is the oxygen of the phenolic hydroxyl that is important (possibly because one of the lone pairs of electrons in this oxygen can serve as a hydrogen bond acceptor). Two new etherified cannabinoids were prepared in which the phenolic hydroxyl oxygen is incorporated into a fourth ring. These new compounds were designed to test the importance both of the phenolic hydroxyl oxygen and of the orientation of its lone pairs of electrons for cannabinoid pharmacological activity. O,2-Propano-delta 8-tetrahydrocannabinol (0,2-Propano-delta 8-THC) was designed to mimic delta 9-THC in its phenol conformation I (C2-C1-O-H = 7 degrees). O,10-Methano-delta 9-tetrahydro-cannabinol (0,10-Methano-delta 9-THC) was designed to mimic delta 9-THC in its phenol conformation II (C2-C1-O-H = 167 degrees). Molecular mechanics calculations revealed that 1) there are two accessible minimum energy conformers for O,2-propano-delta 8-THC, which differ principally in the conformation of the new fourth ring, and 2) there are three accessible minimum energy conformers for O,10-methano-delta 9-THC, the first two of which differ mainly in the conformation of the new fourth ring, whereas the third possesses an alternate pyran ring conformation. Wave functions and molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) maps were calculated for each accessible conformer of O,2-propano-delta 8-THC and of O,10-methano-delta 9-THC. The resultant MEP maps compared well with the corresponding MEP maps generated for delta 9-THC in each of its two minimum energy conformations (two phenolic hydroxyl positions). These results imply that 1) O,2-propano-delta 8-THC should be capable of being recognized at a site that would recognize delta 9-THC in its phenol conformation 1 and 2) O,10-methano-delta 9-THC should be capable of being recognized at a site that would recognize delta 9-THC in its phenol conformation II. Pharmacological evaluation of the analogs revealed that O,10-methano-delta 9-THC was inactive in all mouse tests, as well as the rat drug discrimination model. O,2-Propano-delta 8-THC was similar to delta 8-THC in that it depressed rectal temperature and produced antinociception and ring immobility in mice.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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