Anionic and cationic drug secretion in the isolated perfused rat kidney after neonatal surgical induction of ureteric obstruction

Autor: R P E, de Gier, W F J, Feitz, R, Masereeuw, A C, Wouterse, D, Smits, F G M, Russel
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: BJU international. 92(4)
ISSN: 1464-4096
Popis: To study the pathophysiological changes of renal tubular drug transport mechanisms in congenital renal obstruction, by developing a model for perfusing the isolated kidney (IPK) after neonatal surgical induction of partial ureteric obstruction in Hanover Wistar rats.Moderately severe obstruction of the right kidney of male rats was created by burying a segment of the right ureter under the psoas fascia at 5-7 days after birth. Different fluorescent substrates for renal organic anion and cation drug transport systems were added to the IPK, and the concentration of these substances with time analysed in perfusate and urine.The reproducibility in all groups of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and drug excretion was remarkably good. GFR was significantly lower in obstructed kidneys than in unobstructed kidneys. 123Rhodamine, a marker for organic cation and P-glycoprotein transport, had a significantly lower maximum excretion rate in the obstructed than in unobstructed kidneys. Renal fractional clearance (123rhodamine clearance corrected for diminished GFR) was also significantly lower in obstructed kidneys. There was no significant difference in maximum excretion (absolute and corrected GFR) for Lucifer Yellow, a marker for sodium-dependent organic anion transport. The maximum excretion rate of calcein, a marker for sodium-independent organic anion transport, was significantly lower in the obstructed than in the unobstructed kidneys, but significantly higher after correcting for reduced GFR.The IPK is a good model for studying the effect of neonatal renal obstruction on tubular drug transport. These results show that organic anion and cation transport mechanisms are affected differently by obstruction.
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