[Fracture images in temple murals for sacrificial activities in the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Shanxi]

Autor: H L, Shi, B, Yi
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Zhonghua yi shi za zhi (Beijing, China : 1980). 52(3)
ISSN: 0255-7053
Popis: A great number of 'fracture images' in murals remain in some temples in Shanxi province, describing Buddhist rituals for sacrificial activities in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Some 'fracture images', such as 'splint fixation method' and 'suspension fixation method', were found in Puguang Temple, Yunlin Temple and Yong'an Temple. These murals with 'fracture images' demonstrated characteristics of secularisation and realistic style, as vivid portrayals of surgical medicine in the Ming Dynasty. For instance, one of the pictures in Puguang Temple clearly described the shape of orthopedic splints at that time. The depictions in 'fracture images' in temple murals were basically consistent with the records in ancient literature based on the investigation on fracture treatment in the history of traditional Chinese medicine. They provided visual materials for further study of orthopedic history.山西明代水陆壁画中有大量的“折疡”图像,其中普光寺、云林寺、永安寺描绘有“夹板固定法”和悬吊固定“折疡”图。由于此类壁画图像在题材表达上具有“世俗化”特征以及真实有效的图写功能,是明代外科医学的生动写照,其中普光寺的一幅图清晰反映了当时的骨科夹板形制。通过对历代骨折治疗方法的考察,也印证了图像描述的情形与文献记载基本吻合。明代水陆壁画可以为骨科史研究提供直观素材。.
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