Detection by HPLC-32P-postlabelling of DNA adducts formed after exposure to epoxybutene and diepoxybutane

Autor: C, Leuratti, E, Marafante, N J, Jones, R, Waters
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: IARC scientific publications. (124)
ISSN: 0300-5038
Popis: We have developed an HPLC-32P-postlabelling procedure to detect DNA adducts formed by epoxybutene and diepoxybutane. The method exploits the interaction of the two epoxides with deoxynucleotides and polydeoxynucleotides to optimize the HPLC enrichment of adducted nucleotides before 32P-postlabelling. Using this approach, a number of guanine adducts were identified after the exposure of dGMP, poly(dG-dC) or calf thymus DNA to epoxybutene and diepoxybutane, and a major adenine adduct was identified in poly(dA-dT) and calf thymus DNA exposed to diepoxybutane.
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